Submission information
Submission Number: 23276
Submission ID: 73740
Submission UUID: 716dce85-395b-4835-8831-1c4f5c8f10eb
Submission URI: /form/vendor-performance-evaluation
Created: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Completed: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Changed: Thu, 02/09/2023 - 14:43
Remote IP address: (unknown)
Submitted by: admin
Language: English
Is draft: No
Current page: webform_submission_import
Webform: Vendor Performance Evaluation
Locked: Yes
The response time from a Vault representative was timely.
The quality of the instructions seemed adequate, there were very few questions from those using the tests.
The dashboard could have been of better quality. We did use the various dates and times of each tester's stages to determine issues and troubleshoot, that was helpful information.
It was helpful to have various testing options available to our agency for various purposes.
Our agency had some tests attributed to incorrect dashboards. Once we diagnosed the problem, we let Vault know and they fixed it quickly.