Submission Number: 22950
Submission ID: 73414
Submission UUID: 7021d341-5af6-43e8-8189-32c8a74d4a6b

Created: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Completed: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Changed: Thu, 02/09/2023 - 14:43

Remote IP address: (unknown)
Submitted by: admin
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: webform_submission_import

Locked: Yes
Pollution Control Agency
Vermilion Community College
WRAPS Support in Rainy River Headwaters, Vermilion
Vermilion Community College will provide services under this Professional Technical Contract that will assist the MPCA during 2016-2019 with meeting the Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies (WRAPS) development objectives of collecting desk-top and field-based data and information, and completing assessments needed in the Rainy River Headwaters, Vermilion River, and Little Fork River watersheds. Services will include providing support for field water monitoring, other field sampling and measurements, and related field data management, analysis, and assessments in these watersheds. In addition, Vermilion Community College will conduct desk-top investigations to generate additional necessary data layers and assessments in the watersheds in support of the Stressor Identification and modeling components of the Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies work.
Project Duration
Sat, 10/01/2016 - 00:00
Sat, 11/30/2019 - 00:00
Sat, 11/30/2019 - 00:00
Contract Amounts
Amy Mustonen
Very Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Very Satisfied- VCC provided excellent support for field assistance in remote areas where time and distance precluded MPCA staff from obtaining water quality samples that supported the development of stressor identification reports and TMDLs. The VCC project manager mentored the student staff well and student staff were consistently reliable. Excellent work.
5 - very satisfied