Submission Number: 22576
Submission ID: 73040
Submission UUID: 6508b3d5-a8c6-41c6-ab41-6936c6477efb

Created: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Completed: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Changed: Thu, 02/09/2023 - 14:43

Remote IP address: (unknown)
Submitted by: admin
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: webform_submission_import

Locked: Yes
Human Services Dept
Forma Actuarial Consulting Services, Inc
AMHI Reform Funding Formula Development
This project is part of the Adult Mental Health Initiative (AMHI) reform efforts. Approximately $67 Million dollars are distributed to 19 AMHI regions across the state in two-year contract periods. AMHIs are made up of regional groupings of counties, or in some cases single counties in the metro areas. Initial funding levels were set over 20 years ago without a researched formula. The AMHI Team identified the need to seek actuarial expertise in order to develop a funding formula that is equitable, transparent, and founded in research.

The purpose of this contract was to:
• Identify cost-factors that impact the delivery and utilization of AMHI eligible services using Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) provided AMHI cost-factor worksheets and other available data
• Identify and recommend to the internal DHS project team publicly available data sources that measure or approximate cost-factors on a county and Tribal level.
• Research cost-factors and gather feedback from Regional, County, and Tribal representatives appropriate to this contract to do the following:
○ Detail which cost-factors have insufficient evidence to attribute financial impact and explain why.
○ Identify and use relevant county and Tribal-level data to assign scores for each cost-factor.
○ Determine the financial weight of each cost-factor in the funding formula.
○ Determine how cost factors may impact each other.
• Use research findings to design a new AMHI funding formula and project allocations
• Test the new funding formula with Regional, County, and Tribal stakeholders in Minnesota and use results and feedback to modify the formula as needed.
• Participate in monthly project meetings with the internal DHS project team and communicate between meetings by phone or email as needed.
• Submit a final written report to the internal DHS project team summarizing all findings, considerations, and the proposed funding formula.
• Present report findings once complete in a statewide meeting of AMHI stakeholders.
Project Duration
Wed, 04/01/2020 - 00:00
Thu, 12/31/2020 - 00:00
Wed, 06/30/2021 - 00:00
Contract Amounts
State funding
Abigail Franklin
Mike Schoeberl of Forma Actuarial Consulting Services, Inc. performed the tasks in this project in a very timely manner. All project deadlines were met without difficulty.
Forma Actuarial Consulting Services far exceeded the expectations of the AMHI Reform team and produced a high quality funding formula tool that is easy to use, founded in research, and can be adjusted as new data is available. Mr. Schoeberl communicated clearly and effectively with the project team as well as with stakeholders. He responded to our requests for adjustments to the project and the need for additional research as stakeholders provided feedback to our project.
The cost of services was to be expected for the type of work performed.
Forma Actuarial Consulting Services far exceeded the expectations of the AMHI Reform team and produced a high quality tool that is easy to use, founded in research, and can be adjusted as new data is available. Mr. Schoeberl was highly professional and responsive to our needs for this project. We highly recommend other programs employ the services of Forma Actuarial Consulting Services for similar projects.
5 - very satisfied