Submission information
Submission Number: 22271
Submission ID: 72735
Submission UUID: 1ac3920a-c433-4de0-8095-6fd8b17e9480
Submission URI: /form/vendor-performance-evaluation
Created: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Completed: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Changed: Thu, 02/09/2023 - 14:42
Remote IP address: (unknown)
Submitted by: admin
Language: English
Is draft: No
Current page: webform_submission_import
Webform: Vendor Performance Evaluation
Locked: Yes
All submittals were received prior to due dates laid out in RFP. Calls and meetings with PolicyFind were productive and held at scheduled times. Emails were responded to promptly.
PolicyFind had the specialized experience and knowledge we required for this project. We were impressed by the expertise and work ethic of their staff.
The final cost at the conclusion of the contract came in well under budget.
We were very happy with their work- it consistently exceeded expectations.