Submission information
Submission Number: 16694
Submission ID: 67158
Submission UUID: 411c7c5b-3dba-4af5-b4ea-fa3536d54f24
Submission URI: /form/vendor-performance-evaluation
Created: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Completed: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Changed: Thu, 02/09/2023 - 14:58
Remote IP address: (unknown)
Submitted by: admin
Language: English
Is draft: No
Current page: webform_submission_import
Webform: Vendor Performance Evaluation
Locked: Yes
#7: A totally unacceptable lack of attention by the PI to providing what the PC needed to document the progress and get tasks paid in a timely manner. The PI seemed willing to let the contract expire with tasks unpaid and no final report, and the PA had to write the amendment request letter for the PI, incorporating several past due task payments into the final report tasks. From the TL’s perspective the web site was completed in a timely manner, but from the PC’s perspective the PI did not do his part to get the tasks documented and, approved and paid.
#8: The final report was a lackluster effort and not a good record of the outcome of the project. Task reports were not done.