Submission information
Submission Number: 16493
Submission ID: 66957
Submission UUID: 8ad80d33-f722-4da9-acdf-fc3252d88209
Submission URI: /form/vendor-performance-evaluation
Created: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Completed: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Changed: Thu, 02/09/2023 - 14:58
Remote IP address: (unknown)
Submitted by: admin
Language: English
Is draft: No
Current page: webform_submission_import
Webform: Vendor Performance Evaluation
Locked: Yes
Regarding the Jet Vacuuming and revideoing of the 9 culverts on US. 2 and the 2 culverts on TH.73 in Floodwood. I have been on the job for about 3 weeks and have been involved in all aspects of this contract.
Last week’s crew came with experienced operators running the 2 operations that were in process, although there was some issues with the dump site and having to decant the water numerous time which hampered efficiency (which I believe they credited us 4 hours), but the crews were very experienced in the videoing and the jet vacuuming of the culvert lines.
This week’s crew that showed up to do the same 2 operations, came with only 3 people, whereas last week we had 5 experienced people. Two of the 3 people that showed up this week had less than 7 months with the company and the other guy had 6 years at the company, but said he had only ran the vacuum truck about 3 times. Although he was very experienced with the videoing operation, he can’t run 2 operations at once.
Looking at the production of the 2 experienced crews the previous week on TH.73 in Floodwood by vacuuming and videoing 16 culverts in 1 day and looking at the production of the crew this week by vacuuming and videoing 11 culverts in 3 days, makes me wonder that if the contract had been written as a bid item or a lump sum item verses us paying by the hour that Hydro-Klean would have bid it appropriately and sent more experienced employees and completed the job faster, which would of possibly saved us, the tax payer money.
I know that there could be a lot of variables that could make operations take longer, but I watched all the videos of the culverts in Floodwood and feel there wasn’t any difference in the amount of debris and/or sediment that were in the culverts that were done. Only difference to me was experience level and efficiency. I have been here almost 25 years working construction/materials and running multimillion dollar projects that I feel confident in my assessment.
In the future we should look at how we write these contracts up, if at all possible.