Submission Number: 16057
Submission ID: 66521
Submission UUID: 852ab26c-c501-4e7f-8892-197559341468

Created: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Completed: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Changed: Thu, 02/09/2023 - 14:56

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Perpich Ctr For Arts Education
Mary Jo Thompson
Agency Professional Development
The Agency (State) is in need of development and implementation of a professional development plan for Perpich Center Arts High School staff, which aligns with the North Central Accreditation AdvanceED process and the MN Teacher Evaluation process.
Project Duration
Tue, 09/13/2016 - 00:00
Tue, 06/30/2015 - 00:00
Thu, 06/30/2016 - 00:00
Contract Amounts
1000 E253CAE0 E2533200
The Perpich Artful Teacher Evaluation Project is unique for the combined focus on the newly required Teacher Evaluation program and the need for continued dissemination of a comprehensive school reform model, Artful Teaching and Learning, to align with the MDE Teacher Evaluation Model, the North Central Accreditation process and create new resources for dissemination statewide. The contractor has extensive knowledge and a unique combination of experience in these specialized areas: comprehensive school reform and continuous progress models of teaching and learning, is certified in the Minnesota State Teacher Development, Evaluation and Peer Support Model, has direct experience with the MPS Schools' design and implementation of a Teacher Evaluation model, and was the project manager and lead author of Artful Teaching & Learning, a 5 year comprehensive school reform model federally funded by the Arts Education Model Development and Dissemination
program and a joint project of MPS and the Perpich Center. Her expertise was vital as she co-planned and implemented the first year of this project, breaking new ground in the development of a new professional development model that addresses multiple new requirements from MDE and the North Central Accreditation Association. From research and experience it is clear that becoming competent in these complex strategies takes 2 or more years. It will cost the State significantly more in money and time to train in a contractor new to this project. In the first year of this project the consultant brought her knowledge of the Minnesota State Teacher Development, Evaluation and Peer Support Model, the MPS Schools' design and implementation of a model for Teacher Evaluation model, the Artful Teaching & Learning model to the AHS staff. She is familiar with the Arts High School infrastructure, AHS leadership and staff and has worked closely with staff from the Professional Development and Research arm of PCAE to design and implement components ofthe multi tiered professional development needs of schools across the state, including the Arts High School. This unique expertise is needed to build on the model that began in the winter and spring of2013 and it will cost the State significantly more in money and time to train in contractors new to this multi faceted project.

She brings a unique blend of skills and content knowledge and has provided leadership to multiple arts education programs, including early development ofk-12 arts integration and interdisciplinary models in Minnesota, as a professional Coach: Literacy K-5; Arts Integration K-12; Arts for Academic Achievement, Minneapolis Public Schools and has and holds a Conditional Certification as Teacher Observer, Standards of Effective Instruction. (Rubric used in Minneapolis Public Schools for Teacher Evaluation). As an apprentice faculty member at the Harvard Graduate School Of Education for the Project Zero Classroom Seminar she has provided numerous professional development workshops on the application of the Understanding by Understanding by Design® (UbD™) and Teaching for Understanding (TfU) frameworks for teachers across MN.
Lon Lamprecht
Very Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Very Satisfied
5 - very satisfied